{:sr}Gaj Ben-Tov{:}{:en}Gaj Ben-Tov {:}


Gaj Ben-Tov kompozitor

Gaj Ben-Tov je kompozitor-izvođač i video umetnik, rođen je u Izraelu, a trenutno živi i studira u Austriji. Sukob između apsolutne moći koja se daje umetniku (kompozitoru / reditelju) i potrebe saradnika (izvođača / glumaca) da ostvare umetničku viziju, trenutno je osnovni element u njegovom estetskom i moralnom pristupu umetničkom radu. Istražujući širu definiciju odnosa između izvođača i kompozitora, 2018. godine je osnovao Nezahvalne ambasadore, duet kompozitora i izvođača  sa Mathildom Vendramin. Trenutno završava master studije na odseku za komponovanje i pozorišnu muziku na Univerzitetu umetnosti u Gracu, u klasi prof. Beata Furera i Bernharda Langa, a tokom raznovrsnih radionica, festivala i drugih muzičkih aktivnosti imao je priliku da uči od Marka Andree, Mateom Šlomovicom, Dimitrom Tripani, Jennifer Valše, Klausom Langom, Hanesom Seidlom, Rebekom Saunders, Milicom Đorđević i Markom Blauvom. Njegova dela su izvođena na brojnim festivalima u Izraelu, Turskoj, Nemačkoj, Austriji, Grčkoj i Italiji.


Guy Ben-Tov composer

Guy Ben-Tov is an Israeli born composer-performer and video artist, currently residing and studying in Austria. The conflict between the absolute power bestowed upon the artist (composer/director) and the need for collaborators (performers/actors) to achieve an artistic vision, is currently a fundamental element in his aesthetic and moral approach to artmaking. Exploring a wider definition of the relations between performer and composer, in 2018 he formed Ungrateful Ambassadors, a composer/performer duo with Mathilde Vendramin. Currently finishing his Master’s degree in Composition and Music Theater at the Kunst Universität Graz under the guidance of Prof. Beat Furrer and Bernhard Lang. During various workshops, festivals and other musical activities he had the opportunity to study with Mark Andre, Matthew Shlomowitz, Dimitra Trypani, Jennifer Walshe, Klaus Lang, Hannes Seidl, Rebecca Saunders, Milica Djordjevic and Marco Blaauw. His pieces have been performed in Israel (Va’Yissa Meshallo Va’Yomar – Modalius Ensemble at the Israeli Music Festival), Turkey (Zrima -Herzafen Ensemble in Ankara), Germany (Ḥibur-חיבור in Darmstädter Ferienkurse 2018), Austria (YomoLedeT and Song of Food-ensemble B.i.R.D as part of Obsession Zeichnen an exhibition in the BRUSEUM, Neue Galerie, Graz), Greece, and Italy.
