
Braha Bdil kompozitorka
Kompozitorka i pijanistkinja, rođena je 1988. godine, diplomirala je muzičko obrazovanje na koledžu Levinski i magistrirala muzičko obrazovanje i kompoziciju na Jerusalimskoj akademiji za muziku i ples, u klasi profesora Andree Hajdua, o.b.m. i profesora Haima Permonta. Braha je osvojila prve nagrade na takmičenjima i konkursima: Volf Durmashkin (Nemačka), Yardena Alotin u okviru Univerziteta Bar-Ilan (Izrael) i Međunarodnom takmičenju za horsko komponovanje nazvanu po A. D. Kastalskom (Moskva, Rusija). Njen repertoar uključuje orkestarsku, kamernu, vokalnu i elektronsku muziku, kao i muziku za ples i pozorište. Njene kompozicije su izvođene širom sveta, u gradovima i zemljama kao što su: Peking, Hong Kong, Bavarska, Sankt-Peterburg, Seratov-Rusija, Kanada i druge. Bracha Bdil je član Saveza izraelskih kompozitora i njeni radovi se često izvode na izraelskoj koncertnoj sceni i radiju. Od sezone 2018/9 Braha se nalazi na poziciji umetničkog direktora i šefa dirigenta ženskog orkestra Zmora iz Jerusalima.

Bracha Bdil composer
Bracha Bdil, composer and pianist, born in 1988, has a B.ed in Music Education from Levinsky College and a Master’s degree in Music Education and Composition from the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance, led by Professor Andre Hajdu, o.b.m. and Professor Haim Permont. Bracha won the first prize in the Wolf Durmashkin Composition Award, Germany, the first prize in the Yardena Alotin Composition Competition, Bar-Ilan University, Israel, and a prize in the International Choral Writing Competition named after A.D Kastalsky – Moscow. Her repertoire includes orchestral music, chamber, vocal and electronic music, as well as music for dance and theatre. Her compositions have been performed around the world, including: China International Choir Festival – Beijing, Belt and Road World Choir Festival – Hong Kong, International Jewish-German Festival – Bavaria, Concert sponsored by the Russian Musical Union – Saint-Petersburg, The Schnittke Festival – Seratov-Russia, Société de Concerts de Montréal – Canada, and more. Bracha is a member of the Israel Composers’ League and her works are often performed on Israeli stages and the Israeli radio. Starting from season 2018-9 Bracha has been appointed as artistic director and chief conductor of the women’s Zmora orchestra in Jerusalem.