Tijana Popović-Mladjenović, musicologist
Musicologist, full-time Professor and Head of the Department of Musicology of the Faculty of Music, University of Arts in Belgrade. She has been a visiting professor at the Jerusalem Academy
Musicologist, full-time Professor and Head of the Department of Musicology of the Faculty of Music, University of Arts in Belgrade. She has been a visiting professor at the Jerusalem Academy
Full-time professor at the University of Arts, Faculty of Music in Belgrade and associate Researcher at IreMus, Paris. She earned her MA degree at the Faculty of Music in Belgrade
The Baruch Brothers choir from Belgrade was founded in 1879. as Serbian-Jewish Singing Society. Some researchers claim that it’s the world’s oldest Jewish choir. … Continue reading…“Baruch Brothers” Choir
Giovanni Togni graduated in harpsichord, piano and choral conducting with honors in all three categories.
Concert commemoration of the International Holocaust Remembrance Day The concert “Portraits and Remembrance” is a significant part of Rossi Fest and one of the constant parts of the program
Koncertno veče Davidovi psalmi zamišljeno je tako da obuhvati nekoliko vekova umetničke muzike, inspirisane Knjigom psalama. Na programu će se naći dela Salomona Rosija, Johana Sebastijana Baha, Antonija Vivaldija, Volfganga Amadeusa Mocarta, Aleksandra Grečaninova, Aharona Harlapa, Luisa Levandovskog, Maksa Janovskog i Leonarda Bernštajna … Continue reading…Concert Psalms of David