
Profesor je na Visokoj školi za muziku u Majncu, gde je 2004. godine osnovala međunarodnu školu Singing Summer, a 2010. godine i ansambl Barock Vokal, koji će nastupiti na ovogodišnjoj ediciji Rosi fest-a. Pod njenim vođstvom, odsek za Solo pevanje ove institucije dobio je nagradu za izvrsnost, koja se dodeljuje u oblasti Rajnland-Pfalc – Leistungen in Studium, Lehre und künstlerischer Entwicklungsarbeit. Od 1991. godine, profesorka Eder radio kao vođa projekta, saradnik na sceni i vokalni pedagog na Međunarodnom festivalu za mlade operske pevače koji organizuje Kammeroper Schloss Rheinsberg. Pored redovne profesure, gospođa Eder neretko drži i majstorske kurseve u Nemačkoj i svetu.
Član je Akademije nauka, književnosti i muzike u Majncu, kao i Evropske akademije nauka i umetnosti.
Klaudija Eder
Klaudija Eder studirala je solo pevanje i violončelo na Visokoj školi za muziku i teatar u Minhenu, potom i na Visokoj školi za muziku i izvođačke umetnosti u Frankfurtu na Majni, a studije je nastavila u Milanu i Budimpešti.
Sa 25 godina debitovala je ulogom Muze / Niklausa u operi Hofmanove priče, nakon čega su usledila njena pojavljivanja na scenama tetatara u Visbadenu (Hessischen Staatstheater), Minhenu (Staatstheater am Gärtnerplatz), Dizeldorfu (Deutsche Oper am Rhein) i Beču (Volksoper), a brojni gostujući ugovori odveli su je na najveće evopske i svetske scene, kao što su one u Barseloni, Madridu, Londonu, Turinu, Veneciji, Rimu, Parizu, Ženevi, Antverpenu, Njujorku, Čikagu, Los Anđelesu i Tokiju.
Ostvarila je saradnju i sa festivalima kao što su Salzburger Festspiele, Wiener Festwochen, Donaueschinger Musiktagen i Schleswig-Holstein Musik Festival. Aktivna je pevačica i na koncertnom polju, izvodeći dela od renesanse i baroka do savremene muzike.

She has also worked with the Salzburger Festspielen, the Wiener Festwochen, the Donaueschinger Musiktagen and the Schleswig-Holstein Musik Festival. Claudia Eder received a professorship for Singing at the Hochschule für Musik Mainz. Here she founded the 2004 International Summer school Singing Summer and in the year 2010 BAROCK VOKAL, an excellent program for aspiring Opera and Concert Singers. Alongside this, she also teaches Masters courses locally and internationally. In the year 2009, under her leadership, the Department of Singing was awarded the prize Leistungen in Studium, Lehre und künstlerischer Entwicklungsarbeit by the Exzellenzwettbewerb des Landes Rheinland-Pfalz. She has since 1991 been working as project leader, stage director and vocal coach for the Internationale Festival für junge Opernsänger by the Kammeroper Schloss Rheinsberg. Beside her plethora of tasks, Claudia Eder is also active on international stages as song and concert singer. Her repertoire reaches from the Renaissance over the Barock era reaching into the Modern era of the genres opera, song and oratorio arts. Claudia Eder is a member of the Akademie der Wissenschaften, Literatur Mainz und Musik and also a member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts.
Claudia Eder
Claudia Eder has studied Singing and the Violoncello at the Hochschule für Musik und Theater München and the Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Frankfurt am Main. Her studies were continued in Milan and Budapest. She was debuted at age 25 in the role of La Muse / Niklausse in The tales of Hoffman. This was followed by appearances at the Hessischen Staatstheater in Wiesbaden as well as the Staatstheater am Gärtnerplatz. Following this, she appeared at the Deutsche Oper am Rhein in Düsseldorf and the Volksoper Wien. Countless guest contracts lead Eder to the major European and international stages, these included appearances in Barcelona, Madrid, London, Turin, Venice, Rome, Paris, Geneva, Atwerpen, New York, Chicago, Los Angeles and Tokyo.