{:sr}Ben Lun{:}{:en}Ben Lun {:}


Ben Lun kompozitor

Njegova muzika je opisivana kao „evokativna“, „drugačija“, „opuštajuća“, „sofisticirana i opsesivna” odnosno „proizvodi veličanstvenu buku“ i „ruši monotoniju“. Poznat je i kao“kompozitor muzike života“. Ben Lunn je Makemski kompozitor koji je studirao na Kraljevskom velškom fakultetu muzičke i dramske umetnosti, u klasi Pitera Rejnoldsa, kao i na Litvanskoj akademiji za muziku i teatar, sa Marijusom Baranauskasom, a takođe je učio i kod Param Vira. Od završetka master studija  živi u Glazgovu i bavi se dirigovanjem, muzikologijom, predavanjem i komponovanjem. Njegova dela  izvođenai su na mnogim vodećim međunarodnim festivalima, a imao je privilegiju da radi sa mnogobrojnim vodećim međunarodnim ansamblima i solistima. Trenutno je angažovan kao saradnik u Drake Music, a oktobru je imenovan za umjetničkog direktora ansambla Hebrides. Ben Lun je takođe uvršten u britansku muzičku kolekciju British Discovery Arts Online kao istaknuti umetnik, koji objavljuje kuća Oriana Productions.


His work has been featured in many leading international festivals including Vale of GlamorganLondon New Wind FestivalDruskomanijaLeeds Leider+Zilele Muzicale AniversareHASS FESTToronto Contemporary Music Lab, and Occupy the Pianos. He has had the privilege of working with leading international ensembles and soloists like N.A.M.E.S, Sofia Soloists, Lithuanian National Symphony Orchestra, Ensemble Synaesthesis, Music Theatre Wales, Ligeti Quartet, OeNM, Ensemble X and Y, Nikolai Matsov, Rolf Hind, Francoise-Green Duo, Zubin Kanga, Martynas Levickis, JVLMA, and Jauna Muzika.

Currently, he has been made an associate artist for Drake Music. And in October he was appointed Trainee Artistic Director of the Hebrides Ensemble. Ben Lunn is also featured in the British Music Collection and the British Council’s Disability Arts Online as a featured artist. He is published by Oriana Productions

Ben Lunn composer

His music has been described as ‘Evocative’, ‘Restrained Otherwordliness’, ‘Chilling’, ‘sophisticated and most importantly obsessive’ or ‘produces…glorious roaring sounds’ and ‘desolate monotone’. He has also been referred to as a ‘Composer of life music’.

Ben Lunn is a Mackem composer who studied in the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama under the guidance of Peter Reynolds, as well as studying in the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre with Marius Baranauskas. He has also received guidance from Param Vir. Since graduating from his Master’s he now resides in Glasgow, working in various elements including conducting, musicology, teaching and composing.
